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/ Personal Computer World 2009 February / PCWFEB09.iso / Software / Shareware / Auslogics BoostSpeed / boost-speed-setup.exe / {app} / OneButtonCheckup.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TFRMWELCOME / TFRMWELCOME.txt
Text File  |  2008-10-30  |  3KB  |  141 lines

  1. object frmWelcome: TfrmWelcome
  2.   Left = 235
  3.   Top = 212
  4.   Width = 708
  5.   Height = 469
  6.   Caption = 'frmWelcome'
  7.   Color = clBtnFace
  8.   Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  10.   Font.Height = -13
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  12.   Font.Style = []
  13.   OldCreateOrder = False
  14.   Scaled = False
  15.   OnCreate = FormCreate
  16.   OnDestroy = FormDestroy
  17.   OnHide = FormHide
  18.   OnShow = FormShow
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  20.   TextHeight = 16
  21.   object pnMain: TPanel
  22.     Left = 0
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  27.     BevelOuter = bvNone
  28.     Caption = 'pnMain'
  29.     TabOrder = 0
  30.     object pnBackGround: TAxBackgroundPanel
  31.       Left = 0
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  35.       Color = clWhite
  36.       Align = alClient
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  38.       TabOrder = 0
  39.       DesignSize = (
  40.         700
  41.         437)
  42.       object lblSubtitle: TLabel
  43.         Left = 40
  44.         Top = 64
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  47.         Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  48.         AutoSize = False
  49.         Caption = 
  50.           'This program will check places that need attention and perform t' +
  51.           'he maintenance automatically. You can select which items need to' +
  52.           ' be checked from the list below.'
  53.         WordWrap = True
  54.       end
  55.       object lblTitle: TAxSmoothLabel
  56.         Left = 40
  57.         Top = 24
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  60.         Quality = smMMXSmoothing4x
  61.         AutoSize = False
  62.         Caption = 'Welcome to One Button Checkup'
  63.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  64.         Font.Color = 10040064
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  66.         Font.Name = 'Verdana'
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  70.       object Shape1: TShape
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  76.         Pen.Color = 7036718
  77.       end
  78.       object lvTests: TListView
  79.         Left = 40
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  81.         Width = 620
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  83.         Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
  84.         BorderStyle = bsNone
  85.         Columns = <
  86.           item
  87.             Caption = 'Check up sections'
  88.             Width = 580
  89.           end>
  90.         ColumnClick = False
  91.         ReadOnly = True
  92.         RowSelect = True
  93.         PopupMenu = pmSelect
  94.         SmallImages = ilFake
  95.         TabOrder = 0
  96.         ViewStyle = vsReport
  97.         OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem = lvTestsAdvancedCustomDrawItem
  98.         OnMouseDown = lvTestsMouseDown
  99.       end
  100.     end
  101.   end
  102.   object ilFake: TImageList
  103.     Height = 51
  104.     Left = 408
  105.     Top = 8
  106.   end
  107.   object alWelcome: TActionList
  108.     Left = 600
  109.     Top = 8
  110.     object acSelectAll: TAction
  111.       Category = 'Selection'
  112.       Caption = 'Select All'
  113.       OnExecute = acSelectAllExecute
  114.     end
  115.     object acUnselectAll: TAction
  116.       Category = 'Selection'
  117.       Caption = 'Unselect All'
  118.       OnExecute = acUnselectAllExecute
  119.     end
  120.     object acInvert: TAction
  121.       Category = 'Selection'
  122.       Caption = 'Invert Selection'
  123.       OnExecute = acInvertExecute
  124.     end
  125.   end
  126.   object pmSelect: TPopupMenu
  127.     OnPopup = pmSelectPopup
  128.     Left = 560
  129.     Top = 8
  130.     object SelectAll1: TMenuItem
  131.       Action = acSelectAll
  132.     end
  133.     object UnselectAll1: TMenuItem
  134.       Action = acUnselectAll
  135.     end
  136.     object InvertSelection1: TMenuItem
  137.       Action = acInvert
  138.     end
  139.   end
  140. end